Sunday, 24 June 2012

Bacteria Power!

This living being has superpowers capable of causing THIS to the Amazing SpiderMan! 


The power of being micro-sized, having an exponential reproduction rate, rapidly mutating, bacteria can infect, spread, kill any villain, superhero, aunty, uncle or even wipe out the entire earth. 

And that's the superpower i want from MR Bacteria!

Not forgetting the power of E.coli bacteria
(hehehehe...whoever messes with me will have the time of their lives in the toilet)

Now now, if you're wondering what's this post is all about....It's about Nuffnang and The Amazing Spiderman!

Nuffnang is having a screening for The Amazing Spiderman on the 2nd of June 2012. So what are u waiting for? Sign up for nuffnang and participate in this contest to stand a chance to win movie premier screening passes and exclusive merchandise! Hope to see you guys there...

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